Friday, May 13, 2016

Treatment Options for Sleep Apnea

 Sleep apnea is a treatable medical condition. There are self-help strategies and lifestyle modifications that can reduce sleep apnea.
1.     Bedtime tips for preventing/reducing sleep apnea symptoms
·       Sleep on the side-Some patients snore or have sleep apnea when sleeping on their back.  Patients can eliminate or reduce airway blockage simply by learning to sleep on their side.
·       Prop the head up-Elevate the head of the bed by 4 to 6 inches, or elevate the body from the waist up by using a foam wedge or use a special cervical pillow.
·       Open the nasal passages-Try to keep the nasal passages open at night using a nasal dilator, saline spray, breathing strips or a neti pot.
2.     Alternative remedies for preventing/reducing sleep apnea symptoms
·       Singing can increase muscle control in the throat and soft palate, reducing snoring and sleep apnea caused by lax muscles.
·       Throat and tongue exercises may reduce the severity of sleep apnea symptoms by strengthening the muscles in the airway, making them less likely to close.

For more information on your options for sleep apnea, contact Dr. Anna Lee and her team today.

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