Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Removable Partial Dentures

Removable partial dentures are just that, removable. This means  they are not as stable or comfortable as implants and/or fixed bridges.  They can be easily removed out of the mouth for cleaning and adjustments.  Removable partial dentures have denture teeth fixed to a plastic base and teeth that match the shade/color of the natural teeth. Partial dentures have clasps that attach to the natural teeth that provide additional retention.
·       Affordable, cost less than implants, fixed bridges
·       Restore chewing function
·       Easy to clean, adjust and repair
·       Can be less stable
·       Can be lost or misplaced
·       Some patients are embarrassed to remove partial dentures
·       May need more frequent repair due to crack/chip teeth and loose fit
If you have any questions about treatment option of treating missing tooth/teeth, please call Dr. Anna Lee at 626-335-5114 for a complimentary examination. Visit us at

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