Saturday, August 6, 2016

Oral Hygiene Habits That Can Save Your Smile!

This time of year is full of happy trips, time with family and long vacations. But traveling can take its toll on your smile. You may have the best of intentions but find when you are on the road, you forget to brush, eat unhealthy food that sticks to your teeth and enjoy beverages that are high in sugar. But these tips can help you keep your smile healthy, during road trips and for a lifetime.

Maintain oral care routine
·      brush 2x per day, floss daily, use mouthwash
·      if unable to brush, rinse the mouth with water to help get rid of food from the mouth
·      take brushing breaks; take a moment to brush the teeth when stopping for bathroom breaks
·      if unable to keep up with brushing 2x/day, make sure to do a good job brushing and flossing at the end of the day

Foods to Avoid on the Road
·      eating sugary foods, sodas/sweet fruit juice
·      chewing ice, hard candy (avoid dental emergency)
Dr. Lee recommends people to schedule an appointment for a dental checkup and a cleaning before the trip.  The best way to start out the vacation is with a clean and healthy mouth.  Call Dr. Anna Lee for a dental checkup at 626-335-5114 or email at

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