In order to manage Halitosis there are several options:
-Oral hygiene-brush your teeth, tongue and gums after meals-floss daily, use mouthwash and visit your dentist for an exam and teeth cleaning regulary
-Dental problems-restore tooth decay, restore faulty dental work, eg. ill-fitting dentures, and consult with the periodontist for gum disease.
-Dry mouth-drink plenty of water. Chewing sugarless gum can help with the production of saliva and reduce bad breath.

Lifestyle changes and choices are also contributing factors for bad breath, especially with teens. Tobacco use, eating disorders and braces are some examples of these changes and choices.
-Don't use tobacco products
-Eat a healthy and nutritious diet
-Visit the dentist for regular check ups
-Floss at least once a day
-Brush your teeth and tongue twice a day
It is essential for teenagers to learn the benefits of good oral hygiene early in life. Good oral hygiene is often the key to preventing and eliminating bad breath, along with many other dental problems.
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