Thursday, July 28, 2016

Benefits of Oral Appliance Therapy:

Sleep apnea can take over your life and turn it upside down. Dr. Anna Lee and her team are able to evaluate your needs and provide you with options in order to reduce the negative impact of your sleep apnea on your life. Individuals who struggle with sleep apnea can wake up hundreds of times a night in order to gasp for breath. Once they have the air they need, the body attempts to fall back to sleep only being woken a few minutes later gasping for another breath of air. This disruption in rem sleep can cause people to feel they are never getting the restful sleep needed to fully function at their best. There are multiple benefits of oral appliance therapy that can help to fix sleep apnea so you can rest easy.
·       Ease of use - Some patients prefer oral appliances because they can be easy to wear. For most patients it takes just a few short weeks to get used to sleeping with an oral appliance in their mouth.
·       Small and easy to transport for travel-Unlike CPAP, oral appliances are small enough to fit in the purse or carry-on bag.
*Oral Appliance Therapy may cause side effects: soreness of the mouth, saliva build-up, nausea, and damage or permanent change in position of the jaw, teeth and mouth.
For more information about sleep therapy and how dental device can help you, contact Dr. Anna Lee and her team today.

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