Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Why people don’t like CPAP devices?

Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy is a standard treatment for people with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).  It includes a small machine that supplies a constant and steady air pressure, a hose, and a mask or nose piece. 
These are some of the common problems with CPAP therapy:
1.     Patient compliance
·       Compliance has been an issue with CPAP therapy. Inconsistent use of the device undermines the effectiveness of CPAP therapy
·       Travelers find it inconvenient to bring the mask, tubing and a machine during their travel
·       Uncomfortable and difficult to get used to
2.     Wrong size or style CPAP mask
·       Sizes-too large a mask leads to leaking air, too small/tight a mask leads to pressure sores and discomfort
·       Styles
-full face masks cover the mouth and nose, with straps that stretch across the forehead and cheeks.  These masks may cause some people to feel claustrophobic.
-other masks have nasal pillows that fit under the nose and strap. They don’t work well if patients move/toss around a lot or sleep on the side.
3.     Trouble getting used to wearing the CPAP device
·       Some patients have claustrophobic and anxiety issues
-feeling “trapped” inside the full-faced mask may cause some patients to feel claustrophobic
-wear the mask all night causes anxiety for some patients
·       takes time and lots of practice (being consistent) to get used to wearing the CPAP masks
4.     Dry, stuffy nose or dry mouth
·       Requires proper adjustment of the humidifier setting of the CPAP device
·       Leaky mask causes dry nose
·       Mouth breather causes dry mouth; CPAP treatment is less effective
5.      Skin irritation or pressure sores
·       Skin irritation or pressure sore is caused by ill-fitting mask
6.     Difficulty falling asleep
·       Getting used to wearing the mask
·       Noisy machine
·       Anxiety, feeling trapped inside the mask
7.     Unintentionally removing the CPAP during the night
·       Ill-fitting mask and it falls off
·       Moving, tossing and turning during sleep could pull the mask off
8.     Can’t adjust to the noise
·       Running motor/machine
If you have experienced any of the common problems with CPAP therapy, talk to your physician and your dentist about other possible treatment options.  Glendoradentist, Dr. Anna Lee, can help you.  Schedule a free consultation with Dr. Anna Lee at 626-335-5114 or email drannalee1@gmail.com

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