Saturday, October 28, 2017

Reasons to Consider Cosmetic Dentistry in Glendora


Patients admire the pictures of the beautiful, white teeth displayed on the wall of the treatment rooms.  Patients comment how they would like to have those beautiful teeth.  My respond to them is-this is cosmetic dentistry; you can have it and it will improve your smile and your appearance.  Some patients say they are too old to have cosmetic dentistry.   My response is no one is too old to have nice looking teeth with a beautiful smile.  Some of the reasons to consider cosmetic dentistry are to improve your appearance, to boost your confidence, to improve your oral health and hygiene and others.

Here are some of the reasons to consider cosmetic dentistry in Glendora:
1.     Improve appearance
·       A 65 year old patient complained of crooked, chipped and stained teeth.  She wanted to straighten her teeth but thought she was too old to wear braces.   Glendora Cosmetic Dentist,  Dr. Anna Lee educated the patient that she would be a good candidate for braces and cosmetic dentistry.  Patient was referred to the orthodontist for invisible braces (invisalign) and treatment was completed in 9 months.  Patient returned to Dr. Anna Lee’s dental office and had in-office full mouth teeth whitening and it was completed in 90 minutes.  Patient’s upper front teeth were restored with porcelain veneers and the treatment was completed in 2 weeks.  Patient was very happy with the results of the completed treatment.  The cosmetic dentistry has improved her appearance and she has a beautiful smile.
*note: each patient’s treatment is different and individualized, depending on the number of teeth being restored, the health of the gum tissues, and other factors.  The timeline of treatment completion can be varied.
·       A 90 year old patient said he never liked his yellow and dingy looking teeth.  The incisal edges of his upper and lower anterior (front) teeth were worn.  Patient said he was ready for cosmetic dentistry to improve his appearance and smile.  Glendora Cosmetic Dentist, Dr. Anna Lee restored his anterior teeth with ceramic crowns. The treatment was completed in 2 weeks.  Patient was very happy with the color/shade of the ceramic crowns.  Patient said the cosmetic dentistry was the best thing he did for himself.  His friends tell him that he has an attractive smile and he looks at least 15 years younger than his age.  He is a happy man!
*note: each patient’s treatment is different and individualized, depending on the number of teeth being restored, the health of the gum tissues, and other factors.   The timeline of treatment completion can be varied.
Boost Confidence

·       A 16 year old patient did not like her smile because the diastemas (gaps) between the front teeth.  Patient wanted cosmetic dentistry to close the gaps.   Glendora Cosmetic Dentist, Dr. Anna Lee restored and closed the gaps of the front teeth with bonding/composite (white filling).  The treatment was completed in one office visit (about 60 minutes).  Patient was very happy with the result.  Patient smiles with confidence!  
*note: each patient’s treatment is different and individualized, depending on the size of the diastemas, number of teeth involved and other factors.  The treatment is usually completed in one office visit.
·       A patient shared that he had been self-conscious of his smile because of the grayish stain (tetracycline stain) of his teeth.  Glendora Cosmetic dentist, Dr. Anna Lee discussed the different options of cosmetic dentistry.  Patient had upper anterior teeth restored with porcelain veneers.  The treatment was completed in 2 weeks.  The result was fantastic and changed his appearance and smile. He smiles with confidence!  He said he can’t wait to have porcelain veneers for the lower front teeth.
*note: each patient’s treatment is different and individualized; depending on the color (dark stain) of the tooth, the health of the gum tissues and other factors.   The timeline of treatment completion can be varied.

3.     Improve Oral Health and Hygiene
·       Straight teeth are easier to care for and clean
·       Brush & floss the teeth more effectively with straightened teeth, prevent tooth decay, prevent periodontal disease
·       Clean, straight and white teeth are signs of good oral health

4.     Teeth will be stronger & functional
·       Cosmetic dentistry improves the looks of the teeth, but they also become stronger after they are restored.  A tooth that is chipping or breaking can be restored with bonding/composite or a porcelain veneer.  So, the restored tooth looks good and is functional.

If there is something about your teeth or smile you want to change, Dr. Anna Lee and her staff are here to help you.         Glendora Cosmetic Dentist, Dr. Anna Lee can assess your teeth and smile and recommend different treatment options.  Call for a free smile assessment at or 626-335-5114.                            

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