Bedwetting is a common finding in children. A child drinks fluids before bedtime, constipation, or an episode of emotional stress can cause a nighttime bedwetting accident. For most children, nighttime bedwetting does resolve itself over time. If nighttime bedwetting accidents become frequent; the child should be checked and evaluated for possible sleep-disordered breathing.
is sleep-disordered breathing?

· Snoring
· Irritability
· Bedwetting-SDB can cause increased urine
production at night, which may lead to bedwetting
· Learning
does a tongue tie have to do with sleep?
Dr. Richard Baxter’s
article, Tongue-Ties and Sleep Issues,
published from Dental Sleep Practice in winter 2018 discusses the following:
· “A tongue that is held down by a tie is unable
to rest in the palate. The only place
left for the tongue to go is backward, which closes off part of the airway.” Snoring from upper airway resistance can be a
warning sign of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) or sleep disordered breathing.
· “After
tongue tie release, patient notices a deeper quality of sleep and the parents
notice less snoring, less waking, and better mood in their child.”
Tongue Tie and Bedwetting
Dr. Richard Baxter’s book, Tongue-Tied, discusses the association between tongue tie and
· Sleep-disordered
breathing causes lack of deep sleep in children and adults
· Lack of
deep sleep can cause bedwetting
· Sleep-disordered
breathing causes frequent arousals (interruptions), which can cause the child
to have the urge to urinate
· Recent
systematic review of removing tonsils and adenoids showed that bedwetting
improved in more than 60% of the patients and 50% had a complete resolution of
· Tongue tie release can
allow the child to achieve deeper sleep levels and stop bedwetting
· Removal
of tonsils and adenoids, the application of maxillary expander (orthodontic
treatment), and tongue tie release can all work together to improve sleep
Anna Lee is a general &
cosmetic dentist in Glendora, CA.
Dr. Anna Lee is an experienced provider for Laser lip and tongue tied
frenectomy (releases) for infants, children and adults. If you have any questions about lip and tongue
tied frenectomy, please visit us at or
call for a consultation at 626-335-5114.
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