Monday, January 2, 2017

A New Year’s Resolution

A New Year’s Resolution can include practicing good dental care, brush 2x/day and floss daily.  You may traditionally focus on losing weight, improving your health, reading more and other New Year’s resolutions. Now is the time to focus on the health of your smile. Your smile health can impact not only your appearance, but it can decrease your overall health as well. Bacteria and dental decay can cause you to feel tired, decrease self-confidence, and cause health problems in the long run. Targeting your dental health this year can be a decision that will keep you healthy for a lifetime.

Research shows it takes twenty-one days to turn something into a new habit. Start by getting up every day and brushing and flossing. That is one day, one time. Then before you go to bed, brush and floss. 2x down as easy as that. Continually brushing and flossing at the same time every day can help to establish the healthy habit you need to keep your smile beautiful.

This year instead of focusing on losing weight or improving your relationships, begin your New Year with a resolution that can potentially change your life for the long run.

If you have any questions about your teeth or dental care, schedule a dental appointment with the Glendora Cosmetic Dentist, Dr. Anna Lee at 626-335-5114.  Email:

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