Wednesday, December 19, 2018

How lip tie & tongue tied is treated?

Why do lip tied and tongue tied need to be treated/corrected?
·       Lip and tongue tied babies may have breastfeeding problems.  The poor latch at the breast may cause the milk dribbles out of the mouth when feeding and as a result the baby does not get enough milk to feel full.  This leads to having to feed the baby every 30 to 60 minutes. Some babies use excessive pressure to bite the nipples to get milk and the mother’s nipples end up cracked, creased or flattened.  This is a painful nursing experience.
·       Lip and tongue tied children may have dental, speech and orthodontic issues.
·       Lip and tongue tied adults may have dental problems (decay, gum recession), teeth grinding (bruxism), sleep disorder (sleep apnea), migraine, neck tension and posture issues.

Both tongue and lip ties can be treated in quick procedure that is painless, it usually may not require anesthesia.  The procedure is called frenectomy; the removal of the membrane that connects to the tongue or lip.  Frenectomy can be performed with the following instruments:
·       Scissors-bleeding
·       Scalpel or sharp surgical knife-bleeding
·       Laser-minimal bleeding, faster surgical time, decreased postoperative pain, quick healing
Dr. Anna Lee is a general & cosmetic dentist in Glendora, CA.  Lip and tongue ties may cause breastfeeding issues for some babies and mothers, dental and speech problems for children, and sleep disorder (sleep apnea), dental and posture problems for adults.  If you have questions about lip and tongue ties, please call for a consultation at 626-335-5114 or visit us at  

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