Tuesday, December 11, 2018

What are some of the problems caused by lip tie and tongue tie in babies?

Tongue and lip ties cause problems on the breast feeding relationship between the baby and the mother.  According to Dr. Lawrence Kotlow, here are some of the problems:
    • poor latch and suck
•unusually strong suck due to baby using excess vacuum to remove milk
•clicking sound while nursing (poor suction)
•ineffective milk transfer
•infrequent swallowing after initial let-down
•inadequate weight gain or weight loss
•irritability or colic
•gas and reflux
•fussiness and frequent arching away from the breast
•fatigue within one to two minutes of beginning to nurse
•difficulty establishing suction to maintain a deep grasp on the breast
•breast tissue sliding in and out of baby’s mouth while feeding
•gradual sliding off the breast
•chewing or biting on the nipple
•falling asleep at the breast without taking in a full feed
•coughing, choking, gulping, or squeaking when feeding
•spilling milk during feeds
•jaw quivering after or between feeds

 For more information about Lip Tie Procedures, contact Dr. Anna Lee

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