Thursday, December 13, 2018

What are some of the problems caused by lip tie and tongue tie in children?

Breastfeeding can be very difficult under the best of circumstances and can be even more of a struggle when your baby has a lip or tongue tie. Here are 3 major problems that you may encounter with your little one if a lip or tongue tie goes untreated.

·       Dental issues-
-a lip tie can cause a gap between the upper front teeth (central incisors)
-a tongue tie can cause a gap between the lower front teeth
-lip tie causes difficulty brushing  and traps food or liquid next to the teeth and make it difficult to brush and end up with dental cavities

·       Speech problems
-tongue tie restricts the movement of the tongue to create certain sounds of speech
-tongue tie causes problems of articulation, intelligibility in connected speech, stuttering, speech delay or disorders

·       Orthodontic treatment
-orthodontic treatments are frequently required in patients with lip or tongue ties
-lip and tongue ties cause gaps between upper and lower incisors
-dental crowding issues

For more information about lip and tongue ties or to schedule a consultation contact, Dr. Anna Lee

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