Friday, December 21, 2018

What are some of the problems caused by lip tie and tongue tie in adults?

 Are you an adult that is experiencing problems because of a dental lip tie? We can help. Here is more information on problems you may encounter as an adult with a lip tie.
·       Dental issues
-lip tie can trap food next to the teeth and make it difficult to brush and end up with dental cavities
-tongue tie causes restrictive movement of the tongue and is unable to clean the food particles off the back teeth and end up with dental cavities
-tongue tie, lip and buccal ties may cause gum recession. Strong muscles of the tongue, lips or cheeks pull on the gum tissues over time and exert a traumatic force that can cause the gums to recede.

·       Tooth grinding (Bruxism).  This is a hypothesis discussed in Dr. Richard Baxter’s book, Tongue Tie
-tooth grinding was thought to be a stress related problem.  The more stress you have, the more grinding is done during sleep.  The new thinking is that night time teeth grinding may be a sign of sleep-disordered breathing. This could be a tongue tie problem; the tongue is restricted with its movement.  When you sleep, the tongue falls backwards and blocks the airway.  It is hypothesized that the brain causes the teeth to grind and arouses the person to a lighter state of sleep. 

·       Other problems are migraine, sleep apnea, neck tension and posture

For more information on adult lip tie or to schedule your laser lip tie procedure, contact Dr. Anna Lee and her team today. 

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