Thursday, December 6, 2018

What are the symptoms caused by a tongue tie in babies?

Are you breastfeeding your baby but running up against a problem? Are you unsure why your baby is struggling to latch? She/He may have a tongue tie. Here are some symptoms of a tongue tie in your baby...
          If a baby is tongue tied, he or she may exhibit these symptoms during breast feeding:
·       Have trouble lifting the tongue up or from side to side
·       Have a tongue that appears heart shaped or notched in the middle
·       Dribble milk down the side of their mouth when feeding
·       Display excessive fussiness and/or colic
·       Have digestive issues like gas, baby reflux and possibly vomiting
·       Pull off the breast/bottle, crying, hitting or tugging while nursing
·       Make clicking or noisy sucking sounds
·       Chew on the nipple or chomp down hard
·       Fall asleep while nursing (although many babies do this!)
                            If a baby is tongue tied, the mother may:
·       Have sore, cracked or bleeding nipples
·       Have nipples that appear squashed, lip stick shaped, and/or blanched (white)
·       Experience pain while breastfeeding
·       Get frequent infections or mastitis
·       Have milk supply issues due to ineffective removal

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